Questioning God

There’s been a lot of publicity lately for vocal opponents of God in general and Christianity in particular. With the popularity of Angels and Demons and other fictional books/movies also comes a curiosity about non-fiction anti-God or religion books, such as The God Delusion or God is Not Good. That’s normal, but for some people it’s a scary concept. Why? (excuse me as I ramble a bit about this)

The thing I find interesting (as does the media, as I keep seeing these stories everywhere) is that so many of the anti-God crowd used to call themselves Christians. Some of them seem to feel that this gives them more credibility, as they’ve now “seen through the lies” and they’re now better, happier people, free from the chains of organized religion. But almost all of them left Christianity because of a person or group of people within the Christian community who failed in some way. Continue reading


Filed under Faith

Quick Workaround for Yarssr in Ubuntu

Just a quick fix for anyone else having this issue right now:

When trying to start up Yarrsr yesterday it locked due to a feed it suddenly decided not to parse. (Though it had in the past – probably the feed changed on me, haven’t checked yet.)

When calling the program from the terminal I got this error:

*** unhandled exception in callback:
*** Can’t call method “get_url” without a package or object reference at /usr/share/yarssr/Yarssr/ line 158.
*** ignoring at /usr/share/yarssr/Yarssr/ line 115.

Here’s the quick perl hack to stop this from happening:

  • sudo gedit (or whatever program you want to use) /usr/share/yarssr/Yarssr/
  • insert a line before line 158 with: if ($item) {
  • insert a line after line 162 with: }
  • save the file

That let me open Yarssr and delete the feed with issues. I added a different feed with the same info. Works great now, no problems since. This doesn’t really solve the issue, it just keeps Yarssr from trying to deal with blank data from what I saw. But it let me open it, so I’m happy.

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Filed under Gadgets/Code

7 Reasons to Write Fan Fiction (and one reason not to)

There are some people who believe that there are two kinds of writers in this world – real and fan fiction. While, granted, there is a lot of bad fan fiction out there, there’s also a far bit of horrible “real” fiction, so it seems to me that the stigma of writing fan fiction must have more to do with the idea itself than the products that come out of it. This is something that strikes me as unwarranted.

I write fan fiction. There, I said it. I’m also a published author, and yes, I do think there’s a connection. So let me share my top few reasons why I think writing fan fiction can be worthwhile and even really helpful for any budding fiction writer. Continue reading


Filed under Media, Writing

Starting the Botanica Medallion

Sorry for being absent for so long — I had a huge project at work which ended up with me having to go on a two week business trip. It’s still not over which is frustrating for me, but at least I’m being given a little time to recover now — and finally get some posts up!

I subscribe to Vogue Knitting and when the Spring/Summer issue came out a few weeks ago I immediately fell in love with the cover “summer cardi”, the Botanica Medallion. I’ve been looking for a fun, more complex knit to do when I’m totally bored with the sweater (which is coming along nicely but slowly, I’ll probably put up a post on it next week), so I ran out and bought the materials for it right away so I’d have it for my business trip. As it turned out, it was about the only thing keeping me sane on the trip (that and web cam talks with my hubby) so I’m really glad I did. Continue reading


Filed under Knitting

Signed Kingdom Hearts Cards!

Thought I’d share an idea we had on our last trip to Walt Disney World! My husband and I loved the Kingdom Hearts games (which feature Disney and Final Fantasy characters in a neat story, very cool), and a little over a year ago they started printing a trading card game for it in the US (think Pokemon, only better 🙂 ). Continue reading

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Devotional: Amazing Things

Every once in a while I get to do a devotional for work. This is one I did last October, which really means a lot to me so I thought I’d share it here. — Sarah

There’s a scene in the movie The Incredibles that always strikes me. The movie is about superheroes hidden among us, and at one point the main character, Mr. Incredible, is coming home from a really, really bad day at work. He pulls in the driveway of his house, and there’s this little kid, his next-door neighbor, sitting on a tricycle waiting for him. Now, this kid has reason to believe that Mr. Incredible is actually a superhero in disguise, so he’s just sitting there, watching him. Mr. Incredible turns his tired eyes to the kid and asks, “What are you waiting for?” And the kid goes “I dunno. Something amazing! I guess.”

Something amazing. Like flying or lifting a car over your head. That’s the kind of life I’ve always wanted to have. But God has a different concept of what it takes to be amazing, and lately I’ve been struck by several Amazing Things Jesus talked about, and how we can really live an Amazing Life. Continue reading


Filed under Faith

The Diamond Age

I finally gave in to everyone who told me I just had to read Stephenson by picking up The Diamond Age (also known as A Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer) this week. I got through it pretty quickly, but either the book isn’t as good as his others or I am not destined to be a Stephenson fan.

The style was a bit jarring to me at first – no chapters per se, just sections and one book break. Before each section several sentences describe what you are about to read, a technique that broke up the story but left me feeling tired for some reason. I was able to get into the flow of the book eventually though, and got to the point where I didn’t notice it so much.

The book had an interesting premise and I felt myself wanting it to be better than it actually was. For one thing, while I’m not going to hate a book just because of “mature” content, the frequency with which it was used in here kept breaking me out of the story in order to roll my eyes. The language and violence weren’t too overdone I guess, but the weird sex didn’t seem to be needed in the story — it felt artificial as if the author thought it was expected of him so he stuck it in there.

I was very connected with the main character in the story, and some of the supporting characters, but that only made it worse when the book failed totally to resolve any of their stories. Well, the main character has at least some plot points that can let you imagine an ending, but one of my favorite supporting characters was completely dropped for the second “book”, with no clues as to his story resolution.

I’m giving the book two stars, as I liked it alright but thought it failed to live up to the book it could have been. Stephenson spends a lot of time (maybe too much?) talking about the way things work in his imagined future world, but forgets that it’s the characters and what happens to them that most people care about. Obviously, he’s a successful author and lots of people love his work, so either I’m totally missing something, his other books are better and this one did well because of his name, or a lot of (other) people enjoy the “hard sci-fi” feel of books like this and could care less about actual plot and character development. I’m sounding harsher than I mean to – I did enjoy the book for what it was. But I’m unlikely to pick up anything else of his.

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Filed under Books, Media

Finished front and back of long-forgotten sweater!

At last!  I have been “working” on this sweater for my poor, patient husband since October of 2005.  Yeah…obviously, not very hard working, but I did look at it once in a while.  Well, I recently decided that I needed to get a move on and actually finish this thing, and I’m proud to say that I am now up to the sleeves!  (and working hard — really! — on that)

This is my first venture without an official pattern, so that’s part of why I’ve been hesitant to finish it — I’m worried it’ll be wrong and I’ll have done all that work for nothing.  But so far it looks ok.  I’m doing a few weird things — first, I made the back panel much wider than the front.  I’m planning on doing a reverse seem in the front so there will be two little ridges, which I think will look kinda cool if I do it right.  (I’ll probably also duplicate stitch his initial in the middle, as in Harry Potter, which he’ll like.)

I’m also doing the sleeves all in one piece with the yoke, knit sideways to give it an interesting texture.  At least that’s my plan.  If it doesn’t work I’m not sure how to fix it at this point, so I really hope it works!  I don’t have a great pic yet as there’s not much to see, but here’s one of lots of material knitted up!  Yay!

Front and back done!

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Filed under Knitting

Servant Leadership

I was just reading the passage in Matthew where Jesus tries yet again to explain to his disciples just what life following Him is really all about. They don’t get it, which is easy to look at and laugh nowadays. (I’ve been keeping a mental tally of the number of times Jesus predicted His death and resurrection — and yet the disciples were surprised when it happened! Talk about deluding yourself out of the truth!)

But on the other hand, I don’t think we really get it most of time, either.

I’m in chapter 20, and I’m talking about Servant Leadership. I capitalized that because the term is really overused in protestant Christian circles, to the point where we forget what it really means.

So in this story, James, John and their mom have this plan. They want to be reigning with Christ in His kingdom. Now really, this isn’t as audacious a request as it seems at first glance, because just a few chapters ago Jesus already told them that they’d be judging the twelve tribes of Israel — with the other disciples. What’s got the others so upset about this request is that J&J have asked to be put over the other disciples, on top of ruling everybody else!

Is it me, or does this sound really familiar?

Of course Jesus defuses the situation and says something totally crazy — a) that in order to lead, you have to serve and b) that even Jesus has to give Himself up to the point of giving up His life. (chalk another one up on the board, please)

If I were a disciple, I bet I’d be focusing a lot more on that last part. They probably didn’t learn this lesson, at least not right away.

This blog is only nominally anonymous, so there’s a good chance that some of you know I have had experiences with several Christian organizations, both church and para-church. And I can tell you first hand that we have still not learned this lesson. I know for sure that I haven’t.

Get any group of people together, Christians or not, and there will be politics. People will talk behind each other’s backs. Middle management will be in and out of favor with the Big Bosses, and the peons will be used, leaned on or even totally ignored. If you’ve never worked for a Christian company you may not believe that a group of Christians, who are there to serve God, could be capable of this. But trust me, it happens.

Christians just use different wording.

When you want to gossip, you say “can I ask you to pray about this?” When you’re presenting your favorite idea you say “God can do the impossible” if anyone tells you it must fail. And when you want to rise in the ranks, you call yourself a “Servant Leader” and talk about how God is really at the top of the company.

That’s not to be down on Christian companies, or to say that all of the above is always bad. But Christians are still people. And very few have learned what Matthew 20 means.

What is a Servant Leader? It’s someone who doesn’t demand that their projects and ideas always come first. It’s someone who knows everyone — not because of what they can do for them, but because they want to know them. It’s someone who loves God so much that they can’t help but love people, just because God loves people. It’s someone who thinks what your heart looks like is more important than what label suit you wear. It’s someone who cares more about the project than who’s in charge of it. It’s someone who gives up their rights. It’s someone who doesn’t name drop. It’s someone who steps in whenever and wherever they can help.

There’s a lot to it. But mostly, I think it’s someone who wouldn’t think to capitalize Servant Leader and make it a title. They’re just too busy being one.

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Filed under Faith

My Soul has a Name

I’ve always felt a sort of disconnect from my name. My last name is ugly. That’s about as plain as I can put it. It’s hard to spell, hard to pronounce, and hard for other people to read. Sometime that’s funny, like when telemarketers try to call. But it can wear on you after having to explain it to say, all the employees of your new workplace.

I’ve never felt that my name was indicative of who I am.

Do most people feel that way? Maybe I’m the only one, but to me my name, the one I was born with, is nothing more than an odd-sounding identification number, that I’ve trained myself to answer to when needed.

I’d heard about Native American tribes where people got to basically choose a name that fit them when they became an adult. I thought that kind of thing would really help me when I was younger. And there’s plenty of people who “go by” something other than their legal name — a nickname, initials, or a middle name.

But recently, I changed my name. I finally rid myself of the last name that’s been bothering me for so long, and picked one that I really loved, that had special meaning behind it. And you know what? It still doesn’t mesh with my idea of me, of who I am.

Because that’s what this is really all about. We change our names or nicknames because we want something that we identify with, that says who we really are, or at least who we want other people to think we are. When people think of my name, they think of me, so I want it to represent me as well as it can. Which leads me to what I think the problem is:

I don’t really know who I am.

Well, I have a pretty good idea, I think. But I’m not sure it’s possible to truly, totally know yourself, at least not on Earth. And that’s why I can’t find my true name.

But guess what? (And this is why I’m rambling about all this.) God already named me. I was looking at some of the rewards mentioned in the beginning of Revelation (where Jesus is talking to the churches), and one is a white rock with your name on it — your real, true name that God gave you when you were first created. People have thought of all kinds of reasons why this might matter — magicians have talked about the power of someone’s true name, etc — but to me, the point is simple and clear.

God knows you. And what’s great is, He’ll help you know yourself, as you really are. How cool is that?


Filed under Faith